Monthly Archives: June 2001

So Long, Jack

One of my favourite actors is gone. Jack Lemmon, maybe the finest comedic actor of his generation, died last night. And although I didn’t find out about it until this morning, someone found my site last night about 9:30 by … Continue reading

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I watched the DVD of Unbreakable last night. I thought it was pretty cool, except for the hastily tied up ending. Surely they could have left it a bit more ambiguous, couldn’t they? M. Night Shyamalan (whom everyone calls “Night” … Continue reading

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Aflutter with anticipation regarding the July 10 release of Withnail and I:The Criterion Collection, I was searching for info and found the excellent community at It’s a much better site than the official one, and has a great forums … Continue reading

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Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge : Intoxicating. Dean Allen on Zeldman : Intoxicated.

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